

University College London

Tuankasfee Hama

Working in:

  • Digital Health
  • Data science and biomarkers

My research mainly focuses on healthcare data and machine learning. I use Deep learning to create a model for outcome prediction.

National University of Entre Ríos

Carmen Brigitte Aguilar Gonzales

Working in:

  • Neurofeedback

My primary research focus revolves around exploring the potential of neurofeedback as an innovative alternative for pain management, with a specific emphasis on individuals suffering from chronic pain, particularly those afflicted by fibromyalgia. This study delves into the utilization of real-time brainwave data to empower individuals in modulating their own pain perception and enhancing their overall quality of life. Through a combination of neuroimaging techniques and neurofeedback training, this research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying pain perception and to develop effective, non-pharmacological interventions for chronic pain management.

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Hongyan Zhao

Working in:

  • Animal models
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Virtual reality

Hongyan earned her MBBS degree and the Master of Medicine degree in China. Then she got her Master of Research degree from Imperial College London. She is currently working as a doctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and exploring how the brain and spinal cord interact to establish the multi-faceted experience of pain and combining basic and clinical research to explore pain modulation in greater depth.

University of Exeter

Hatem Lazem

Working in:

  • Digital Health
  • Virtual reality

PhD researcher.
Telerehabilitation in neurological conditions and with multimorbid elderly patients especially stroke survivors.

Using virtual reality for assessment and management of stroke survivors.

Exploring human movement among neurological conditions.

Cardiff University | Cardiff

Kate Button

Working in:

  • Biomechanics
  • Digital Health

Joint pain, physiotherapy, self-management

Msc Brain and Behaviour student LJMU | Liverpool

Nathanael Hill

Working in:

  • Bioelectronics and sensor systems
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Neurofeedback

I am currently reaearching the potential of interrupting the neuro feedback model and implementing peripheral stimulation as a possible cure for chronic pain. By exploring this innovative approach, I aim to understand how it can be utilised to provide relief and improve the overall quality of life for those suffering from persistent pain. With a focus on interrupting neural pathways and stimulating peripheral nerves, this research has the potential to offer alternative solutions for individuals living with chronic pain.


Katinka Damen

Working in:

  • Other

Pain and addiction care

Université Laval

Mégane Lacombe-Thibault

Working in:

  • Computational and dynamical brain models

Investigate learning mechanisms involved in chronic pain using computational modelling

Laval University

Michel-Pierre Coll

Working in:

  • Computational and dynamical brain models
  • Data science and biomarkers

My research program leverages human neuroimaging and recent advances in computational modelling and artificial intelligence to understand pain perception and modulation. This overarching goal is pursued via two complementary streams. A first theory-driven research stream aims to identify coherent computational and neural architectures capable of explaining and predicting pain perception and pain avoidance. A second data-driven research stream aims to create and interpret sensitive, specific, and generalizable brain-based biomarkers of pain perception capable of predicting pain intensity across individuals and pain modalities.