

Msc Brain and Behaviour student LJMU | Liverpool

Nathanael Hill

Working in:

  • Bioelectronics and sensor systems
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Neurofeedback

I am currently reaearching the potential of interrupting the neuro feedback model and implementing peripheral stimulation as a possible cure for chronic pain. By exploring this innovative approach, I aim to understand how it can be utilised to provide relief and improve the overall quality of life for those suffering from persistent pain. With a focus on interrupting neural pathways and stimulating peripheral nerves, this research has the potential to offer alternative solutions for individuals living with chronic pain.

NHS GGC, Glasgow, UK

Dr Ali Ghanbari

Working in:

  • Prosthetics and robotics
  • Pumps and infusion devices
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Neurofeedback

I am currently not involved in clinical research but work in field of Neuro-Rehabilitation Medicine in Scotland and have a special interest in chronic & neuropathic pain.

The Alan Turing Institute

Abhimanyu Roy

Working in:

  • Animal models
  • Computational and dynamical brain models
  • Bioelectronics and sensor systems
  • Prosthetics and robotics
  • Biomechanics
  • Pumps and infusion devices
  • Digital Health
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Neurofeedback
  • Invasive recording systems
  • Virtual reality
  • Data science and biomarkers
  • Optogenetic systems
  • Other

I am a Researcher. I have excellent skills in computer science, biomedical engineering, neuroscience, data science, cancer cell biology, and bioinformatics. Currently, I am working on the CASP15 project, In this project I am working on protein structure prediction with the help of a machine-learning algorithm and also I am working on a neuroscience project at FENS. Previously I have done many thesis and project work in terms of neuroscience with the help of natural language processing, and deep learning. I am also doing my research in cancer biology in an open lab at Cancer Research UK.
My Area of Interest:- Clinical Research in Medicine, Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Cancer Biology, Computer Science and related fields, etc.

North Deanery Health Education England

Anas Hassan

Working in:

  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Neurofeedback
  • Virtual reality

Neuro rehab and spinal cord injury

University of Michigan

Meagan Brucker-Hahn

Working in:

  • Computational and dynamical brain models
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation

I develop computational models of spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of chronic pain to determine mechanisms of action.

University of Exeter

Sonia Medina

Working in:

  • Computational and dynamical brain models
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Virtual reality
  • Data science and biomarkers

I work at Sam Hughes Pain Lab in Exeter (ExPain). My research covers an array of mechanism-based approaches to study and treat pain, including functional neuroimaging, phycophysics, behavioural testing, and interviews. Most recently, my work focuses on the use of virtual reality to treat acute and chronic pain.

University of Exeter

Bayan Alwadai

Working in:

  • Digital Health
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Neurofeedback
  • Other


University of Michigan

Fariba Mohammadi

Working in:

  • Computational and dynamical brain models
  • Biomechanics
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation

We are interested in the innovation of electrical stimulation therapies for neurological disorders (a.k.a. neuromodulation), specifically for chronic pain management. The overall goal of our group is to develop a patient-specific approach using computer models and clinical measurements. We believe this research will help optimize current technologies and innovate new therapies to improve patient outcomes.

Oxford University Hospitals

Sergiu Lucec

Working in:

  • Computational and dynamical brain models
  • Bioelectronics and sensor systems
  • Prosthetics and robotics
  • Biomechanics
  • Digital Health
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Invasive brain or spinal stimulation
  • Peripheral stimulation
  • Neurofeedback
  • Virtual reality
  • Data science and biomarkers

Electronic patient records, with an additional focus on Laboratory results and communication.